Python to RPN - PyRpn Support Lib

Python to RPN - PyRpn Support Lib

A new way to program HP calculators like the HP42S, DM42 and Free42

This is the Python RPN Utility Functions program.
It contains all the required subroutines for running programs generated by the Python to RPN converter.

Normally you do not need this program because any required utility subroutines are automatically embedded into your RPN. However you can save memory by keeping your generated RPN small, and having it call the subroutines in this program instead. To do so, uncheck the Auto include checkbox on the main Converter page.

Warning: New subroutines are added regularly, so make sure you delete this "PyLIB" program and paste the latest version into your calculator/Free42 regularly.

01 LBL "PyLIB"     // PyRPN Support Library of
02 "-Utility Funcs-"
03 RTN             // ---------------------------
04 LBL "PErNkey"   // Dictionary key not found error. () -> display error & stop.
05 "Dictionary key "
07 ├" not found"
09 RTN
10 LBL "p0Bool"    // Util used by comparison ops. (a,b) -> (boolean) - whether flag 00 is set, plus RDNs
11 RDN
12 RDN             // params dropped
13 FS? 00
14 1
15 FC? 00
16 0
17 RTN
18 LBL "p1MxIJ"    // Set IJ for List. (index) -> () & sets IJ for list access
19 X≥0?
20 GTO 51
21 XEQ "pMxLen"
22 +               // add the negative index to length to get the wanted index
23 LBL 51
24 1
25 +               // adjust row from 0 based (python) to 1 based (RPN matrix)
26 1               // col (always, in lists)
28 RDN
29 RDN
30 RTN
31 LBL "p2Bool"    // Convert to booleans. (a,b) -> (bool, bool)
32 XEQ "pBool"
33 X<>Y
34 XEQ "pBool"
35 X<>Y
36 RTN
37 LBL "p2MxIJ"    // Set IJ for Dict. (key) -> () - finds key's value and sets IJ accordingly.
38 XEQ "pStoStk"   // If flag 02 then auto creates new row.
39 1               // 'from' (search from row 1)
40 XEQ "pMxLen"    // 'to' (get num rows in matrix)
41 1
42 +               // add 1 cos want 'to' to include last row
43 1               // 'step'
44 XEQ "pISG"
45 STO "pISGvar"
46 RDN
47 1
48 1
50 RDN
51 RDN
52 CF 99           // found = False
53 LBL 56
54 ISG "pISGvar"
55 GTO 53          // ok, compare next element
56 GTO 51          // finished ISG search through the matrix row 'keys' (in col 1)
57 LBL 53
59 X=Y?            // see if element matches
60 GTO 52          // found
61 RDN             // else
62 I+              // increment row - could also use ↓ move down one element in the indexed matrix.
63 GTO 56          // keep looking
64 LBL 52          // have found
65 SF 99
66 LBL 51          // finished search
67 FS? 99          // was it found?
68 GTO 51          // perfectly found, nice
69 FC? 02          // if not auto create new row
70 GTO "PErNkey"   // error key not found, auto create is off
71 0               // temp value
72 X<>Y            // key (y:temp value, x:key)
73 XEQ "LIST+"     // this will incidentally set IJ nicely to the 'value' element
74 GTO 52          // done
75 LBL 51          // ok found, nice
76 RCL "pISGvar"
77 IP              // index where found y:(row / I)
78 2               // position of value x:(col / J)
79 STOIJ           // all set to store or recall something
80 LBL 52          // done
81 XEQ "pRclStk"   // recall stack
82 RDN             // drop key we were looking for
83 RTN
84 LBL "p2Param"   // Reverse params. (a,b) -> (b,a)
85 X<>Y
86 RTN
87 LBL "p3Param"   // Reverse params. (a,b,c) -> (c,b,a)
88 X<>Y
89 RDN
90 RDN
91 X<>Y
92 RDN
93 RTN
94 LBL "p4Param"   // Reverse params. (a,b,c,d) -> (d,c,b,a)
95 X<>Y
96 RDN
97 RDN
98 X<>Y
99 RTN
100 LBL "pAssert"   // Assert. (bool) -> if true, keep going, else stop & display error
101 X≠0?
102 RTN
103 "Assertion Err "
105 ├" is not True"
107 RTN
108 LBL "pBIT"      // Test the xth bit of y. (y,x) -> boolean
109 CF 00
110 BIT?
111 SF 00
112 RDN
113 RDN
114 FS? 00
115 1
116 FC? 00
117 0
118 RTN
119 LBL "pBool"     // Convert to boolean. (a) -> (bool)
120 CF 00
121 X≠0?
122 SF 00           // is non zero, thus true
123 RDN             // drop parameter
124 FS? 00
125 1
126 FC? 00
127 0
128 RTN
129 LBL "pCPX"      // Is a complex number? (n) -> boolean
130 CF 00
131 CPX?
132 SF 00
133 RDN
134 FS? 00
135 1
136 FC? 00
137 0
138 RTN
139 LBL "pEQ"       // == (y:a, x:b) -> boolean of a == b
140 CF 00
141 X=Y?
142 SF 00
143 XEQ "p0Bool"
144 RTN
145 LBL "pErOutR"   // Out of Range error. (to,999) -> display error & stop.
146 RDN
147 "range() limited"
148 ├" to 999: got "
151 STOP
152 RTN
153 LBL "pFS"       // Is Flag clear? (flag) -> boolean of flag
154 CF 00
155 FC? IND X
156 SF 00
157 RDN
158 FS? 00
159 1
160 FC? 00
161 0
162 RTN
163 LBL "pFS"       // Is Flag set? (flag) -> boolean of flag
164 CF 00
165 FS? IND X
166 SF 00
167 RDN
168 FS? 00
169 1
170 FC? 00
171 0
172 RTN
173 LBL "pGT"       // > (y:a, x:b) -> (boolean) of a > b
174 CF 00
175 X<Y?
176 SF 00           // true
177 XEQ "p0Bool"    // get bool of flag 00
178 RTN
179 LBL "pGTE"      // >= (y:a, x:b) -> (boolean) of a >= b
180 CF 00
181 X≤Y?
182 SF 00
183 XEQ "p0Bool"
184 RTN
185 LBL "pISG"      // Prepare ISG (z:from, y:to, x:step) -> (ccccccc.fffii)
186 RCL T
187 STO "pSaveT"
188 RDN
189 CF 99           // neg_case = False
190 CF 98           // have_step = False (other than 1)
191 IP              // ensure step is an int
192 1
193 X=Y?
194 SF 98           // have_step = True
195 RDN
196 RCL ST Z
197 IP              // ensure from is an int
198 RCL ST Z        // stack now: z:step y:from x:to
199 IP              // ensure to is an int
200 1
201 -
202 999             // check don't exceed max 'to' value of 999 (ISG ccccccc.fffii)
203 X<Y?
204 XEQ "pErOutR"
205 RDN
206 X<>Y            // stack now: z:step y:to-1 x:from
207 RCL ST Z        // step
208 -               // stack now: z:step y:to-1 x:from-step
209 X>=0?           // if from > 0
210 GTO 51          // easy (non negative)
211 ABS             // else from = abs(from)
212 SF 99           // neg_case = True
213 LBL 51
214 X<>Y            // stack now: z:step y:from x:to
215 1000
216 /
217 +               // stack now: y:step x:a.bbb
218 FS?C 98         // if not have_step
219 GTO 52          // skip ahead
220 RCL ST Z        // else calculate step for ISG
221 100000          // step = step / 100,000
222 /
223 +               // stack now: a.bbbnn
224 LBL 52
225 FS?C 99         // if neg_case
226 +/-
227 RCL "pSaveT"
228 X<>Y
229 RTN             // returns ISG number in form a.bbbnn
230 LBL "pLT"       // < (y:a, x:b) -> (boolean) of a < b
231 CF 00
232 X>Y?
233 SF 00
234 XEQ "p0Bool"
235 RTN
236 LBL "pLT"       // <= (y:a, x:b) -> (boolean) of a <= b
237 CF 00
238 X≥Y?
239 SF 00
240 XEQ "p0Bool"
241 RTN
242 LBL "LIST"      // 1D and 2D List Operations. p 176. HP42S programming manual
244 "LIST+"
245 KEY 1 XEQ "LIST+"
246 "LIST-"
247 KEY 2 XEQ "LIST-"
248 "CLIST"
250 MENU
251 STOP
252 GTO "LIST"
253 LBL "LIST+"     // LIST+ (x:val) when 1D, (y:val, x:key) when 2D
254 SF 25           // try: (ignore error)
255 XEQ 53
256 FC?C 25         // if was error (flag cleared)
257 GTO 51          // init list then push
258 GROW            // else
259 J-              // appends row via grow, j-, j+ trick
260 J+
261 WRAP
262 LBL 54          // push (x[,y]) -> (x[,y])
263 STOEL           // zlist[j] = x
264 FS? 01          // if list
265 GTO 55          // finished
266 J+              // else
267 X<>Y            // zlist[j+1] = y
269 X<>Y
270 LBL 55          // finished (), view zlist
272 RTN
273 LBL 51          // Init list
274 1
275 FS? 01
276 1
277 FC? 01
278 2               // stack is (y:1,x:1) if flag 1
279 DIM "ZLIST"     // else stack is (y:1,x:2)
280 XEQ 53          // prepare list for access
281 RDN
282 RDN             // drop rubbish off the stack
283 GTO 54          // push()
284 LBL "LIST-"     // LIST- pop () -> ()
285 SF 25
286 XEQ 53
287 FC? 25
288 RTN
289 J-
291 FS? 01
292 GTO 52
293 J-
295 LBL 52
296 DELR
297 FS?C 25
298 GTO 55
299 LBL "CLIST"     // CLIST () -> ()
300 CLV "ZLIST"     // clear ZLIST from memory
301 RTN
302 LBL 53          // prepare list "ZLIST" for access
304 RTN
305 LBL "pMAT"      // Is matrix? (n) -> boolean
306 CF 00
307 MAT?
308 SF 00
309 RDN
310 FS? 00
311 1
312 FC? 00
313 0
314 RTN
315 LBL "pMxLen"    // Get matrix row length. () -> length of ZLIST
316 SF 25           // try: (ignore error)
318 FC?C 25         // if was error (flag cleared)
319 GTO 51          // error, list is empty
320 1
321 1
323 RDN
324 RDN
325 I-
327 RDN
328 RTN
329 LBL 51          // list is empty
330 0
331 RTN
332 LBL "pMxPrep"   // Prepare Matrix. (matrix) -> ()
333 MAT?            // if is a matrix
334 GTO 51          // yes
335 XEQ "CLIST"     // else empty matrix
336 RDN
337 RTN
338 LBL 51          // yes is a matrix
340 RDN
342 RTN
343 LBL "pMxSubm"   // Matrix Sub-slice (t:row_from, z:col_from, y:row_to, x:col_to) -> (y:row_size, x:col_size)
344 RDN
345 RDN
346 STO- ST Z
347 RDN
348 STO- ST Z
349 RDN
350 1
351 STO+ ST Y
352 STO+ ST Z
353 RDN
354 RTN
355 LBL "pNEQ"      // != (y:a, x:b) -> boolean of a != b
356 CF 00
357 X≠Y?
358 SF 00
359 XEQ "p0Bool"
360 RTN
361 LBL "pNot"      // not (a) -> boolean of not a
362 X≠0?
363 SF 00           // is a true value
364 RDN
365 FS? 00
366 0               // False
367 FC? 00
368 1               // True
369 RTN
370 LBL "pREAL"     // Is real number? (n) -> boolean
371 CF 00
372 REAL?
373 SF 00
374 RDN
375 FS? 00
376 1
377 FC? 00
378 0
379 RTN
380 LBL "pRclStk"   // Recalls the stack. (?,?,?,?) -> (t,z,y,x) & recalls from regs pT, pZ, pY, pX
381 RCL "pT"
382 RCL "pZ"
383 RCL "pY"
384 RCL "pX"
385 RTN
386 LBL "pSTR"      // Is string? (n) -> boolean
387 CF 00
388 STR?
389 SF 00
390 RDN
391 FS? 00
392 1
393 FC? 00
394 0
395 RTN
396 LBL "pStoStk"   // Saves the stack. (t,z,y,x) -> (t,z,y,x) & saves to regs pT, pZ, pY, pX
397 STO "pX"
398 RDN
399 STO "pY"
400 RDN
401 STO "pZ"
402 RDN
403 STO "pT"
404 RDN
405 RTN

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